Total body skin examinations are performed by board-certified dermatologists and dermatology PAs to search for any unusual or suspicious lesions on the skin surface. When examining people at high risk for skin cancer, dermatologists search for atypical or abnormal-looking moles that could be melanoma, and also check any previous skin biopsy sites for signs of recurrence.
Everyone can benefit from a total body skin exam, especially if:
- You have numerous, or changing, moles
- You have a personal or a family history of melanoma or either kind of non-melanoma skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma)
- You have had significant sun exposure either presently or in the past, or live in an area with a high UV index
The dermatologist will examine your entire skin surface, so you will be asked to remove all of your clothing and to put on a paper gown. Your modesty will be respected at all times as the physician examines one part of your body at a time. Melanoma can arise anywhere on the skin surface, even in places that have never been exposed to the sun. Following your exam, the providers here at Beer Dermatology will suggest a follow-up schedule for routine total body skin exams based on the results and your personal and family history.
Call Beer Dermatology at (561) 600-4848 (West Palm Beach) or (561) 430-2767 (Jupiter).
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