West Palm Beach:
Swimsuit season is here and many women are dreading putting on a two piece. If you find yourself struggling to find the perfect cover-up to conceal cellulite, you are not alone. More than 85% of women will develop cellulite at some point in their lives, and no amount of diet or exercise can prevent or […]
ABC reports that a Northern California company, Revance Therapeutics, is already in Phase 3 trials, testing a topical method for administering botulinum toxin for the treatment of crow’s-feet. Its gel formula allows the ingredient to travel through the skin using peptides to deliver the wrinkle-smoothing benefits. Not only do the before-and-after photos look very convincing, […]
For a little over the last decade, annual cases of melanoma have increased by almost 50% to over 287,000 yearly cases. This is especially troubling when you realize that melanoma and melanoma-related complications have been linked to 60,000 deaths each year. When looking at the broader term of skin cancer (both melanoma and non-melanoma), it has been […]
One in five people will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, leading to over two million cases in the US every year. Skin cancer can be very dangerous, especially if not treated quickly and effectively. If you have a family history of skin cancer, you may want to consider being proactive and have your body […]
Chin contour plays an important role in the overall aesthetic appeal of the face. Those with a small chin, also known as recessed chin or hypognathism, often report a low self-esteem and lack of confidence due to their appearance. Symptoms include a short, small chin which makes the face appear flat. If the lower jaw […]
Dr. Kenneth Beer and his staff provide IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatment for facial and non-facial rejuvenation. IPL uses a broad spectrum of light to target various types of pigment as well as fine lines and small blood vessels. As we age, brown spots can appear on our skin, creating the impression of damaged, old […]
Aging is a fact of life. The frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet are inevitable and may happen sooner than you’d like. The good news is that there is a quick, simple option to keep you looking younger and it only takes as little as 10 minutes. Recovery time is simple and results can […]
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States that affects about 90% of teenagers as well as a growing number of middle-aged women. The effects of acne are not just the cosmetic blemishes and scarring that can last a lifetime, but also emotional and psychological scars that can seriously affect […]
Vitamin A: Repair Your Skin and Slow the Signs of Aging Vitamin C: Protect Your Skin Essential Fats for Your Skin Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids. They are necessary for human health but the body can’t make them, you have to get them through food. help produce your skin’s natural oil barrier, […]
When we think about caring for our skin, we often look to the newest skincare products we can find, which claim to work wonders for our skin. While the newest serum or moisturizer is sure to give us that coveted glow that we strive for, another solution to a healthier complexion is closer than you […]
It’s officially Winter. If you’re lucky enough to live year round in a tropical or warm-weather climate, this could mean only minor changes to your skin care regime and the best skin care products for you. But for many people, winter means drier skin that is exposed to increasingly extreme weather elements. How will you keep […]
HealthDay News has published an article about a report that may be surprising to many pet owners. This particular report details how your pets can transmit a number of illnesses to you. Transmission can occur through being licked or even because your pet sleeps in the same bed as you do. The public health journal […]